Juve, on Depay. Muriel towards Newcastle

Morata’s return is more and more difficult, the Colombian could go to the Premier and Martial gets closer to Manchester United. And Barcelona could give the card of their striker

Morata’s return to Juve is increasingly difficult (even if the Bianconeri continue to nourish a minimum of hope), the hierarchy of names to complete the attack sees Depay make a leap forward, leaving Barcelona and looking for a top club that can grant him a space as a protagonist. From the parts of Continassa they think about it, the 1994 class has been proposed and the identikit could be useful to meet Allegri’s needs.


Depay has a contract until 2023, but could free himself to zero: Barcelona, ​​in fact, must thin out in time to follow up on their market objectives. Juve can guarantee him those 5 million of seasonal salary that he already receives, being able to take advantage of the growth decree. But on the economic issue, the parties have yet to get to the heart of the negotiations: for now, the bianconeri are limited to confirming their interest in the entourage of the player, who proposed it. On the other hand, the other hypotheses advocated are becoming more complicated: Newcastle threatens Muriel, Martial is finding space in United with ten Hag. In short, Depay at Juve is a concrete track that can heat up in a short time.
