Juve, Milik’s redemption may be postponed | First page

There is inevitably a lot of talk about Dusan Vlahovic’s fasting. The 1,000-minute mark without goals from open play has now been broken for the Serbian centre-forward, now back in the pits with an ankle problem that forced him to miss the semi-final second leg with Inter. But it’s not like it’s going so much better for the other strikers. Arek Milik’s last goal, for example, is dated January 22nd in the 34th minute of the 3-3 with Atalanta. Then stop ringing, the goalless counter says 449 minutes, while the calendar is stricter also because the game after that last goal (against Monza on 29 January) then came the muscle injury that kept him until April . A pity for Juve, a pity for Milik, who until then was convincing everyone: 8 goals scored, a reference role in Max Allegri’s rotations even in times of difficulty. Also because the Pole is part of that group of players who still have a lot to achieve, starting with the redemption: the operation that took him from Marseille to Juve seems to be one to be seized on the fly, a loan with the right to buy fixed at 7 million (plus 2 bonus) payable in three seasons. But if these were to be the days for the definition of the definitive purchase of his card, in reality Juve seems to have prevailed the line of prudence. TIME IS NEEDED – This does not mean that Milik will not be redeemed, but that unless there are new course changes, he will not be redeemed now. By postponing the appointment with the final decision from April 30 to the first days of June, when the season will be over and all doubts about the future will (hopefully) be swept away at Continassa, between off-field events and the choice of that sporting director who will then have to pull the strings of the market for the upcoming Juve And even if Milik wants to stay at Juve, even if everyone in Turin is satisfied with him, it could therefore take longer than expected for a definitive breakthrough.
