Juve, Luis Suarez offers himself two years after the farce exam in Perugia

Allegri has asked for expert and winning players: two years after the farce exam in Perugia, the now released Uruguayan striker is a candidate. The bianconeri, however, are waiting for the Argentine leaving Real and the developments on Morata

“Is the team missing amalgam? Tell me where he plays that I buy him”. Angelo Massimino, historic president of Catania who passed away in 2005, made it easy in that interview that he made the fortune of a couple of seasons of “Mai Dire Gol”. Amalgam cannot be bought. Even the winning spirit cannot be brought to the team with a bank transfer, however rich. But you can work to make it grow, even in a young group, which has lost a bit of habit (or has not yet found it) with raising cups. The safest method is to bring something into the locker room that knows how to do it.
