Juve, jersey numbers: Vlahovic, Chiesa and …

The club has anticipated the new numbering of two of its most anticipated players. For the others we will have to wait

The club has anticipated the new numbering of two of its most anticipated players: Dusan Vlahovic will wear jersey no. 9, Enrico Chiesa number 7. Two numbers that recall tradition, when the jersey numbers indicated the position on the pitch.

Vlahovic therefore abandons the abbreviation DV7 to win the typical number of the center forward. After all, he had already said it when he arrived at Juventus at the end of January: “I chose 7 because it is the closest number to 9”. Six months ago that shirt was from Morata, now not anymore.


More surprising is the assignment of the number 7 to Chiesa. Those who expected to see it worn by Di Maria will perhaps be disappointed. Which one will Fideo take then? What is certain is that it will not be 10, which seems increasingly destined for Paul Pogba, with 22 which would remain free for Di Maria.
