Juve is in the storm but Allegri becomes a teacher for a day: the initiative

Max Allegri will hold a seminar and thus become a teacher for a day: the initiative

In home Juve an earthquake of enormous proportions is underway, the largest since Calciopoli, who risks having to rewrite Juventus history once again through justice. max Merrymeanwhile, he remains placid in his place on the bench and even receives various certificates of esteem. Like those received from the Polytechnic University of Brandswhere it will hold a seminary. Let’s go see the details.

Allegri becomes a teacher for a day, the details

As reported by the portal sportface.itthe Juventus coach will speak on the theme ‘Team working and communication of victories and defeats‘, within the specialization course in ‘Communicating cancer, medicine and health’. Allegri has received words from esteem And appreciation by the course director, portraying it as professional and his participation is of great impact. Emphasizing how it can be the ‘perfect teacher’ for this task. Even the coach himself has made statements on the subject, which we propose below. “I will have the pleasure of communicating the importance of the value of the different perspectives present within a group in order to guarantee a climate of collaboration. There are multiple affinities between the two worlds, the sporting one and the hospital one
