Juve-Inter, Italian Cup final, the probable formation of Inzaghi: Bastoni holder, Vecino ko

The defender is not yet at his best, but Inzaghi should field him from 1 ‘: muscle problem for the Uruguayan, he will also miss Cagliari

From our correspondent Luca Taidelli

May 10
– Rome

Second training in the group for Bastoni, who is a candidate for a starting shirt for tomorrow night’s Coppa Italia final against Juve. The defender has disposed of the resentment against the flexor that forced him to skip Bologna, Udinese and Empoli, but he will return for the Olimpico match. Inevitably, the blue will not be at its best, even in terms of autonomy, but it is unlikely that Inzaghi will give up on him against the Bianconeri. If, on the other hand, prudence prevailed, to complete the three-way line with Skriniar and De Vrij would be one between D’Ambrosio (with the Slovak who would climb to the left) and Dimarco. Instead, he did not get on the flight that after lunch brought the team to Rome Vecino, stopped by a muscle problem that will also cause him to miss Sunday’s trip to Cagliari. A relative loss, however, given that the Uruguayan has been on the sidelines for some time and expires in June.

Team made

President Zhang also got on the flight to Rome, who wants to stay close to the group in these delicate days and tonight he will have dinner with Inzaghi and the managers, in the capital since yesterday for a charity event organized by the League and for tomorrow’s Assembly, scheduled for afternoon at Coni. All the other elements of the squad are present. So much so that after a couple of months Inzaghi should return to focus on Inter type, with Dumfries (favorite over Darmian in the only technical ballot), Barella, Brozovic, Calhanoglu and Perisic in the middle of the field and Dzeko to support the untouchable Lautaro in attack. From the bench Correa and Sanchez.
