Juve-Inter: Inzaghi accuses two players for the goals conceded. He was angry with …

In both goals of Juve Kostic could have been stopped with a foul, but Barella and Bellanova did not intervene on the Serbian

Filip Kostic was the best in the field of Juventus-Inter. But the feeling, which emerged already during the match, that the Inter players could do something more to stop the Serbian’s two progressions on the networks, was confirmed by the statements of Simone Inzaghi. “We also need work on the goals conceded, such as the two goals collected in the counterattack, in which we could have made two fouls. A team like ours cannot help but stop those actions.


Especially in the action of the first goal, Barella limits himself to observing Kostic’s advance without spending a foul that would certainly have cost him the yellow card, but which would have avoided worse troubles. Bellanova’s hesitation on the second goal is less evident, however the full-back could have blocked the Serbian before the dribbling to return followed by an assist for Fagioli.
