Juve-Inter, Dybala scoring in the last three matches in A. With a view to the future

La Joya and a special Derby d’Italia: the first at the Stadium after the announcement of the divorce, the desire to prove on the pitch that the bianconeri are wrong and the crossing against the most particular of suggestions for the summer

Inter observes him, follows him, yearns for him. Joya, from her, begins to look around her, preparing for a season finale as a protagonist. Juventus-Inter will be much more than a “simple” Italian derby. Paulo Dybala will return to the field for the first time after the interruption of negotiations for the renewal. Inzaghi is studying how to stem it and, at the same time, dreams of working there soon for the Nerazzurri. Sunday’s match, for the Argentine, will be an overlap of conflicting emotions. Nostalgia, in watching the stadium crowd, which he will soon have to greet. Determination, in demonstrating the value of him, sending a clear signal to Juve itself and to all the clubs that could buy him. Strange, why not? Playing against your own, possible future team is not an everyday thing.


At Inter, however, there is no way – and time – to fantasize: Dybala is a concrete goal for the summer but Turin will need three points to stay in the wake of Milan, providing a show of strength to the contestants in the fight. scudetto. We will think about the transfer market later, the Juventus 10 today represents the first of the opponents to beat. Or, at least, the most dangerous: the 3 goals scored by Paulo in the last Serie A match between Inter and Juve should be enough to give an idea.


In fifteen league matches played against Inter, in fact, Joya has collected… just 3 goals. However, all of them arrived in the last 3 challenges. Dry for six consecutive seasons – first with Palermo, then with Allegri’s team -, Dybala has always scored in the last Serie A matches with Handanovic and his teammates. Goals in the first leg and also in the return in 2019/2020 (complete with an encore of victories for Juve), another exactly one group ago, to equalize in the 89th minute after Dzeko’s 1-0. Last season he did not take the field instead, stopped in the pits due to some injuries. In addition, even the overall balance, when Paulo scores goals, does not smile at the Nerazzurri: two defeats and a draw in the league, plus another knockout (3-0) in the Italian Cup in 2016. U Picciriddu must be stopped, Inzaghi awaits the return of the national teams – Bastoni and Skriniar above all – to choose the most suitable solutions.


Speaking of Bastoni: Dybala’s turning point, who has been turning on for years when he sees the Nerazzurri, coincides with Alessandro’s first adventure in Milan. From the moment in which Spalletti’s four-man line made room for the trio made up of the former Atalanta, Skriniar and De Vrij, Joya has in fact always scored in Serie A against the team coached first by Conte and now by Inzaghi. Even if the Argentine is not sure he has a starting shirt in Sunday’s match, the substance does not change: as a substitute he scored the last two goals scored against Handanovic. Inter’s defense is warned: from 1 ‘or during the match, little changes for Dybala. Inzaghi studies him carefully and takes the opportunity to get on with his work: who knows that, in the summer, he won’t have the pleasure of dusting off his notes on Paulo …
