Juve-Inter and Locatelli against Calhanoglu: when they were together with Milan

Five years ago at Milanello: the Turkish hit of the summer, the other promising young. With Montella first and Gattuso then they play together and get to know each other. This time pupil and teacher will be against. Even out of necessity

The first time on the pitch together on 3 August 2017, Milan-Universitatea Craiova, third qualifying round of the Europa League. Calha had just arrived, one of the many signings of the Rossoneri super market led by Marco Fassone and Massimiliano Mirabelli. It was the summer of “formal things”, by Bonucci and André Silva, by Conti and Biglia, by Kessié and Kalinic. Of the Turk, in fact. None of those purchases are left. The former Leverkusen entered in the 65th minute in place of Suso, in the front trident. Behind him, in midfield, a very young Manuel Locatelli, then 19 years old.
