Juve, Iling and the market: a few minutes, role to be found and contract, prospects

At the bottom of Allegri’s hierarchies, having missed the transfer last summer, the Englishman in the Under 21s is looking for a new team willing to give him guarantees of employment

Giovanni Albanese


– Turin

Not exactly a mysterious object, but Iling Junior certainly expected something different this season. After earning a place in the first team, the English winger often found himself on the bench: at the bottom of the winger hierarchy. The squad available to Allegri also lacks a reserve winger on the right (the coach used McKennie as an alternative to Weah, or diverted Cambiaso) and is overcrowded on the left, where Kostic and Cambiaso seem to have something more in their coach’s satisfaction.


Last summer Iling was also the subject of the transfer market. Having a contract expiring in 2025, and with little room for an extension, the Juventus club would have liked to sell him or include him as a quid pro quo in a major operation. In reality, no good opportunities arose, so the class of 2003 remained at Continassa in the hope of carving out his space. Good intentions so far have produced just four segments of the match, for a total of 113 minutes: too few for the player’s ambitions.


Iling is now in the national team. Already in the England Under 20s he had particularly stood out, attracting the attention of several observers. The Federation also “forgave” him for the decision not to go to the Under 20 World Cup last spring, to complete the season at Juventus. Now, in the Under 21s, he aims to increase his self-esteem and get back into rhythm, considering that he is struggling to find continuity of employment at the club. Among other things, Allegri, on the last occasion, proposed him as a midfielder and not as a winger.


The period with the Under 21 national team could be a showcase for the January transfer market, even if Juve is not yet so convinced about selling him. Last summer at Continassa they rejected Bologna’s request, which would have wanted him on loan, only opening up to onerous solutions. For Juve, Iling’s value is around 15 million: the Bianconeri had proposed him to Sassuolo as part of the comparisons for Berardi (but the Neroverdi only wanted cash) and would have spoken about him with any other club only for considerable offers.


Watch out for the Premier League. The player has several admirers and perhaps only in that championship can Juve find the offers he is looking for. There is an ongoing evaluation of Iling by Tottenham, with whom the Bianconeri have spoken about Hojbjerg. Aston Villa and Everton could also take control of the dossier on the player, although it might be more useful to wait until next summer to discuss his transfer just one year after the expiry of his contract. Iling would gladly return to England: but he wants guarantees of employment.
