Juve, Giuntoli and the agenda of the first commitments

The arrival of the coach is expected on Sunday evening, with whom the manager has already been confirmed for days: the Bonucci and Vlahovic issues to be resolved, watch out for offers for big and young players

John Albanese


– Turin

Cristiano Giuntoli has actually been operational for a few days already. But with the official appointment, the new manager of the Juventus sports area finds himself with a series of commitments marked out in the coming weeks, up to his departure for the tour in the United States: it will be the first time abroad for the manager, who in recent years he has experienced more traditional summer retreats, in Italy, both with Carpi and with Napoli. This time, in those two weeks, he will have to manage the market activities at a more considerable distance: a non-trivial aspect for the meetings, just think that last summer Federico Cherubini – to resolve the Ramsey issue, and not only – did not go in tow of the team during the pre-season.


The first commitment that Giuntoli has on his agenda is a face-to-face meeting with Allegri, whose telephone contact in the last week has permanently entered the top 5 of outgoing calls from his mobile phone. The two have already been discussing for several days on the team that will have to be born and on the market strategies to be implemented: the coach is expected in Turin on Sunday evening, he will meet again at the table with the director on Monday at the latest, during the players’ medical examinations which will begin for first the preparation. The new Juventus director will also meet Max’s collaborators and hear the players one by one, introducing himself and explaining the project that he intends to develop as early as next season.


There are at least a couple of knots to untie on the squad in good time, but Giuntoli won’t waste time trying to clarify things. He has not yet called the captain, Leonardo Bonucci, but he will soon: in the last few days there has also been talk of a possible early farewell of the player, who is actually preparing the second half and is not seen with other shirts. Giuntoli will be able to understand live on the other burning issue: having missed the national team, Dusan Vlahovic will be at work as early as Monday, at which point the director will be able to speak directly with the player to learn more about his intentions, net of big offers that plans could change at any moment.


The other potentially hot market fronts are already known, from Chiesa to Bremer to the young Iling and Soulé: Juve has already exposed a large part of its players to the London market, the one that can move the most interesting offers, and is now waiting for proposals to be evaluated . Until that moment, the team’s new order is to act on the sly and without giving the impression of necessarily having to sell: there will be a time for everything and it’s still not good to force one’s hand in this. The beginning of Giuntoli’s mandate will be characterized by silence, interrupted only by concrete traces of the transfer market. Then August will come, and everything will change: it will be at that moment that Juve will try to make a lot of noise.
