Juve, Danilo over the goal against Atalanta: Scirea’s shirt, role and future

Decisive with the goal in the 92nd minute against Atalanta, after returning from the injury he is confirming himself as fundamental for Allegri as he had been for Sarri and Pirlo: soon we could talk about renewal, his safety in every defensive role opens new horizons also for the succession of Chiellini

There will be no derby, the yellow remedied in Bergamo will trigger the disqualification as already warned. But Danilo the forgiveness of Allegri and his teammates immediately wanted, with that header that sanctioned the 1-1 with Atalanta and avoided a defeat that would have been painful in full recovery. Juve sees the scudetto dream vanish definitively – by now a utopia for a long time, in reality – but remains in full swing for fourth place, the last to grant access to the next Champions League. And someone like the Brazilian – who has been playing the top European competition for ten consecutive seasons – certainly couldn’t miss his decisive contribution in the most awaited match.


In his third season at Juve, as for Sarri and Pirlo, Danilo has become one of the main references of the team for Allegri. He has the experience from him, temperance and personality, and seems to have found the best context in Turin to express himself after the experiences at Porto, Real Madrid and Manchester City. His words in the post match in Bergamo are a manifesto of attachment to the shirt and send the fans into ecstasy: “I dedicate this goal to the whole team. We ate a lot of bad things in recent months, but we kept quiet and continued to work – he said -. It’s a goal that means a lot to me. Because I’ve been to different countries in search of the best context to do what I dreamed of as a child and be happy, and I found it here at Juventus “. After having previously explained that he had chosen the number 6 shirt in memory of Scirea, and having sometimes worn the captain’s armband, the Brazilian is to be considered to all intents and purposes a senator of the locker room.


Last summer Bayern Munich tried, but Juve reiterated their confidence in him and he did not in the least take into consideration the idea of ​​leaving. The evolution of his role is also curious: with Atalanta, starting from the defending position of right-back, the Brazilian came many times inside the field to restart the team starting the maneuver, almost as a director. Then, in the final, he took over Bonucci’s duties, proving himself to be up to par even as a central, where he could actually have a future to extend his career at the highest levels of competitiveness. And if Juve do not show themselves so hysterical in imagining the post Chiellini, it is perhaps also because they see safety in him in every defensive role, also being ambidextrous. His contract expires in 2024, but soon we could talk about renewal: in Turin he is fine, he has found the ideal size for himself and for his family, and above all he considers the club a dream to be lived for a long time to come. Bringing Juve to the Champions League is one of his primary goals.


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