Juve, banner on Vlahovic from PSG fans who don’t want him: “We’ll cut off three fingers”

Juve striker, candidate for transfer to Paris, accused of a Serbian gesture of exultation to which ultra-nationalist meanings are attributed

A banner against Dusan Vlahovic appeared outside the Parc des Princes in Paris. It was exposed by a handful of fans who contest the black and white, candidate for transfer to PSG, for the use of exultation with the three fingers (thumb, forefinger, middle) to which an ultra-nationalist meaning is attributed: “Vlahovic in Paris we’ll cut your fingers off three fingers”, the content of the banner.

political question

The gesture, called the “Kuhnen” salute, is used today by neo-Nazi fringes. It has been in vogue in Serbia for centuries with the meaning of victory, typically also used in the celebrations of Serbian basketball players, with the three fingers representing the Christian trinity. At the basis of the protest is also a photo of Vlahovic together with Kostic and Mitrovic in which, in addition to making the three-finger gesture, he is wearing a T-shirt with a map of Serbia which also includes Kosovo.
