Juve, Allegri: “The best victory? The C with Sassuolo and the first Scudetto”

The Juventus coach at the Youth Festival: “In Italy they consider themselves champions of the boys after two or three games, but in this way the stages are skipped. Social networks? A further source of conditioning”

The best victory of Max Allegri? It was not one with Juve: “The victories are all beautiful, I don’t know how to choose: I remember the first Serie A championship in Sassuolo or the first Scudetto in Serie A – said the Juventus coach speaking remotely at the Youth Festival in course in Gaeta, organized by Noisiamofuturo in partnership with Luiss. The defeats, on the other hand, are all bad, some more because you are left with the doubt that you could have done something better “. But the Lady arrives when the Livorno coach spoke of the importance of recharging one’s mental energies, like “in the third year of Milan or the second of Juventus we started very badly, and even though we worked hard we didn’t realize that we were losing lucidity: when we simplified everything we went much better “.

Young and social

The focus of Allegri’s speech was more on young people: “In Italy for some years now there has been a tendency to consider children as champions after 2-3 games, but in this way the stages are skipped: a footballer at 20 he cannot have the maturity of a 28-year-old “. A speech that is back talking about social networks, defined by the coach as “an additional source of conditioning for the players, sometimes it is useful to get out of these situations. When I need to go back to the real world, for me it is Livorno”.
