Justitie VS draws up details in met before Trump for arbiter | Buitenland

Het gaat om de positie van een ‘special master’, which de inhoud moet beoordelen van het vertrouwelijke en mogelijk zeer secret material dat de FBI previous maand op Trumps landgoed in Florida in beslag nam.

First of all, Trump had nominated two candidates that the American Ministry of Justice had put forward. Het ministry now shows two eighth of the two previous candidates, the legal pensioner Barbara Jones and Thomas Griffith, as the eighth of Trump after Raymond Dearie was promoted to the position.

De conservatieve right Aileen Cannon, nog by Trump zelf benoemd kort voordat hij aftrad, had eerder het verzoek van Trump om onafhankelijke arbitrage consented. The FBI from the beginning of Augustus Ruim 11,000 overheidsdocumenten could also have various folders with the sticker “classified”. What is inside is given, there is actually a wheel.

The legal advisors of the ex-president also refer to the decision of justice of the ordering of documents that have been received in the middle of the process.
