Justice sees Tilburger Kees F. as the drug boss of the Netherlands and he himself

Tilburger Kees F. feels the hot breath of the police and judiciary from all sides. He is involved in three lawsuits. In the latest trial that started in Breda on Tuesday, the public prosecutor suggested that Kees might be the biggest ecstasy boss in the Netherlands, because he says so himself.

Evidence comes from cryptophone service Exclu. Specialists found all sorts of chats last fall. “It was about looking for suitable places for a drug lab, setting up labs, making MDMA (ecstasy). It contained photos of labs, boilers,” the public prosecutor said on Tuesday at the first interim hearing in this case.

An ecstasy lab came into view, in Kortemark, West Flanders, not far from Ypres. And a laboratory in Overasselt in Gelderland.

‘The whole market’
Those traces led to Tilburg and the surrounding area. “We’ve been busy for a year and a half, let’s rest for a while,” said a chat towards Christmas 2022. The police think it came from Kees F.

But there was another, more interesting chat from F. “He himself indicates that he controls the entire market,” said the public prosecutor. “Kees F. had a leading and determining role.” He is also suspected of laundering $2.5 million.

The Tilburger was therefore caught in the last police hack, that of Exclu, at the beginning of this year. And with the first police hack, around Ennetcom in 2015.

Kees F. lived with wife Marie in a luxurious villa in Poppel, Belgium. In his garden was a statue of a bull, just like in New York. It is a symbol of prosperity and strength, others see greed in it.

In Antwerp he was charged with illegal import of 51 tons of nitrous oxide. This earned him the nickname ‘Belgian nitrous oxide king’. He was jailed for a year and a half.

‘way of life’
In April, Kees F. appeared before the court in Den Bosch with his wife and alleged right-hand man. The Public Prosecution Service demanded 7 years in prison against Kees for running a drug crime organization. The verdict is next week.

All this time, F. was allowed to await his three trials in freedom. But the Tilburger apparently did not sit still. “He just moved on,” the prosecutor said Tuesday. She spoke of a ‘way of life.’

Ecstasy in big shoppers
F. was not the only suspect who could be identified. Tilburger Nick P. (34) also became visible. Together with Kees he arranged things. Twelve transports of ecstasy, according to the preliminary indictment. One of those loads was found in a horse shed in Hilvarenbeek. Agents found more than 276,000 ecstasy pills in seven big shoppers there.

Nick is the son of Guus P. Formerly a familiar face of Satudarah. Guus is also stuck in this case as an accomplice. He celebrated his 58th birthday in jail on Tuesday.

There is also a Roosendaler (28) who is said to have laundered 13 million euros since 2013. The American investigative services have requested his extradition.

“We have another hack,” one of the lawyers sighed critically. They find the hack unacceptable. No law stipulates that you can hack computer servers and mobile phones so en masse, is their message. They did not want to say much about the case itself. lawyer called the allegations “mood-making”.

The trial will continue next summer, all ten men will remain in custody.


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