just like André Hazes Jr. on Videoland?

Glennis Grace announced in a private message on Instagram that a documentary about her agony is coming. Will she get a spot on RTL’s Videoland, just like André Hazes Jr.?


A handful of celebrities think it is valuable to respond to abuse in their message box. One of them is Glennis Grace, who regularly replies to people who send her angry messages via Instagram. Now and then those “DM” conversations end up on the juice channels, making them visible to everyone.

Glennis responds

The juice channel Reality FBI now shows a conversation between Glennis and her angry follower Rose. Well, conversation… All of this angry follower’s statements have been blurred, because they are ‘too offensive’. The reactions of Glennis are visible.

Glennis: “So! Did you sit on this for a while? Nice how some things rhyme too wow… Cheers, really well done this. Dear Rose, I hope this has relieved you. I hope you can now move on with your life. I forgive you and send you lots of love.”

Own docuseries

A little later Glennis reveals that she is getting her own documentary. “Beautiful Rose, are you doing well? Take screenshots. Comes in my documentary. Thank you.”

Hey, that’s a striking statement, according to Reality FBI. “Is Glennis Grace getting a documentary? .”

Video country

It could be an option that Glennis, just like André Hazes Jr., ends up on Videoland with his own docuseries, although one may wonder whether the video service would do well with that.

It could seriously damage Videoland’s image if they hoist Glennis on a stage and try to recruit subscribers over the back of her alleged victims at the Jumbo.


Reality FBI stories:
