Jury orders life for Parkland shooter

A Florida jury has recommended that the judge sentence Nikolas Cruz, 24, to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Various media reported this on Thursday. Cruz shot and killed 17 people at his old high school in Parkland in 2018. The Florida prosecutor had demanded the death penalty against him. The judge will make a final decision in the case on November 1.

Under Florida law, the jury must unanimously recommend the death penalty before recommending it as a punishment. The twelve-member jury did not do that in Cruz’s case. The judge must accept the sentence that jury recommends, reports CNN.

Cruz opened fire on students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland in February 2018. The shooter was 19 years old at the time and suspended from school. Fourteen students and three employees were killed in the shooting. Cruz pleaded guilty in October last year.

The killings sparked a national student-led movement for tougher gun laws and greater safety in schools. A high school student who survived the Parkland shooting attacked the National Rifle Association (NRA) in a speech. This would have transferred the then presidential candidate Donald Trump 30 million dollars (30.7 million euros). “If our government and president are just offering prayers and condolences, then the victims must change. Go shame yourself!”

Also read: After ‘Parkland’ now fighting weapons
