Juric before Empoli-Turin: “Djidji and Zima won’t be there”

The grenade coach takes stock before the match against Empoli: “There isn’t a match to be favoured, I can’t say I’ll spare anyone. I’ll send the best formation onto the pitch”

“We don’t have the obligation of Europe, but out of mentality we won’t give up anything”. Ivan Juric speaks clearly on the eve of the triptych of challenges that can give an important impetus to the grenade season. Tomorrow Empoli (“I still haven’t digested that match from the first leg”) then the Coppa Italia in Florence (“I hope to recover Zima, he hurt his knee yesterday”) and finally Udinese on Sunday 5 February Olimpico.”There isn’t a game to privilege, I can’t say that I will spare anyone”, guarantees the Croatian coach. “We are in a delicate, important phase, and I want to play it as best I can. So tomorrow I’ll send the best possible formation onto the field” .


Without Djidji and Zima, who is his natural substitute, in defense we have to make do as best we can. Schuurs could slip on the right leaving Buongiorno in the middle with Rodriguez on the left. It’s a valid hypothesis, but Juric doesn’t let his decision be guessed.”Schuurs has recovered and can therefore play, Djidji unfortunately won’t be there because the broken nose suffered in Florence requires precaution. I’m very sorry for Zima, who was doing well and he deserved space, I hope this knee problem will be resolved in time for the Italian Cup, where Djidji will miss due to disqualification. In short, for tomorrow I have three defenders – (two left-footed – ) and I need to adapt one on the right. Afterwards? Can you serve during the race”. Schuurs is a natural right…


The ballot between Seck and Sanabria is still going forward. The coach only talks about Seck: “He can be a centre-forward against defenses like Fiorentina, which leave room for insertions. In the strait, however, he’s still in trouble.” Pellegri is about to return to the group, luckily.” Well he is strong in everything, he is already complete. We had to slow down his recovery but in the next week I should have him back full time”. Of course Miranchuk and Vlasic are safe tomorrow, the surprise could be Radonjic.


Finally, market rumors circulating in these hours are nipped in the bud. “Lukic leaving? We’ll talk about it in a few days, when the market is closed, we’ll take stock. Now I can only say that Lukic is very strong for me, a complete midfielder Then we have to see what the boy wants to do, we know that contract renewals have become difficult for all clubs by now”. But no voice should distract the Bull from his mission. “No, if that were the case we’d be stupid. Neither the transfer market nor Wednesday’s cup match can distract us from our only thought: to do well in Empoli tomorrow.”
