Juric: “A great Taurus until the last race. And next year we will grow even more”

The coach asks his team for the best from the match against Roma and looks to the new season: “We are waiting for a response from Belotti. We will try to replace Bremer with one that comes close to him.”

From our correspondent Mario Pagliara

May 19
– Turin

“I would like a great Toro until the last game”. Between the future, the transfer market and the balance sheets, Ivan Juric sends his clear message to the team: tomorrow, on the occasion of the championship leave at home against Roma, he wants to take off the last whim. Beat big for the first time. “I would like to review the usual qualities – comments the granata coach -, it would be a great shame not to have a good match until the end. We have some problems, but I want the best “. In the afternoon there will be the finishing touches, Juric dispels some doubts about the formation: “Berisha will play in goal, Vojvoda just won’t be able to recover. And on the trocar I carry the doubt between Praet and Demba Seck ”. Left wing then entrusted to Ansaldi, with Aina on the right.

The days of Belotti

Tomorrow Andrea Belotti will lead Toro as captain against the Giallorossi. Torino presented him with a rich renewal proposal: until the last day the club is doing everything to not lose its captain. Juric talks about it at the conference: “Belotti should give us an answer after the match against Roma. And after the game we will know – Juric reflects -: in recent weeks we have done the right things with him, proposing things that are clear and in my opinion also good. Now he has to decide: everything is decided in these two days, after which the discussion will close, and we will not go on yet “.

Brekalo an opportunity

At the beginning of the week Josip Brekalo’s decision to leave Turin was made official. “It wasn’t a surprise, I’ve known for two months that he doesn’t want to stay-adds Juric-. I can only say a big thank you to Josip: he was a great professional. He has given so much, then everyone makes his own choices. So tomorrow I’ll treat it as always. If he doesn’t want to stay, I prefer that he hasn’t been redeemed. But be careful, it can be a great opportunity for us: the figures needed to buy it can be taken on by better and stronger players ”.

I’ll be there 100%

They ask him if he will be driving the retired Toro from 1st July, Juric replies straight away: “I will be there one hundred percent on 1st July. Then it depends on what the company wants to do. This year has served to restart, this square needs to make progress and to grow even if it is very difficult “. Juric reflects on the next market, starting with a fact: “My feeling is that the appeal of Taurus has grown today. The problem is that we are in Italy and we only see what is happening here. But Italian football is very far from the Bundesliga and Premier clubs in all, so the boys who play abroad have seen other things and it is normal that they are attracted to other things. But my feeling is that today we count a little more ”.

We are not starting from scratch

A large portion of the conference is spent addressing the issue of players on loan and redemptions. “Now we face a problem that we could have faced at the beginning of the season. In addition to Brekalo, we lose Pobega and Mandragora: both if we want them back next year, we have to buy them. We are in the same situation: they belong to other companies, their future does not depend only on our will “. She opens the Praet chapter: “I never ask for guarantees on the players, but Praet is from Leicester. If you pay for it, you take it home “. In general, she says: “I hope that after this first year, everything is a bit clearer on how to make the transfer market, on who are the strong players and who have perspective. Now we will see if we are in tune ”. There will be some work to be done in the summer to shore up a technical project brilliantly launched in this first year by the company, but “we are not starting from scratch”, Juric emphasizes. And he says: “In defense we will lose Bremer, we will try to replace him with one that comes close to him, but we have many other strong defenders who have grown up. Even on the flanks and in midfield the base is good but we need to improve. On the trocar so-so, in attack we see Belotti … There are many things to do, yes, but everything can be a great opportunity. We must not look at it with sadness because you can take stronger players than those who will go away. We will not find a stronger substitute for Bremer ”.
