Jüri Vips didn’t get fired from Red Bull

Estonian formula driver Jüri Vips gets to keep his place under Red Bull’s wings.

Jüri Vips will continue under Red Bull. PDO

The F1 team Red Bull has decided to continue its cooperation with the Estonian F2 driver Jüri Vipsin with.

At the end of June, Vips was caught using racist language in connection with the Call of Duty game stream. Red Bull announced on June 28 that Vips will not continue as the team’s test driver.

Strictly speaking, however, Vips still remains Red Bull’s man.

Formula supplier Chris Medland said on Twitter that the Estonian will continue in Red Bull’s young driver program, and only his test driver contract was terminated.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

The 21-year-old Vips was allowed to continue as usual in the F2 series in the Hitech team, and for example, he drove last weekend at Silverstone wearing a Red Bull helmet.

Red Bull’s young driver program includes drivers from different series. The program has produced many tough F1 drivers such as Max Verstappen’s, Sebastian Vettel’s, Carlos Sainz and Daniel Ricciardo.
