Junts will debate this Thursday if it breaks the Government after the dismissal of Puigneró

Act at 23:48


The party’s executive will address her response to the sudden dismissal of the Vice President of the Govern by Aragonès

hardly anyone in Together for Catalonia They said they wanted to leave the Government and, on this occasion, the different families of the party were compact and determined to hold the pulse of the president Pere Aragones. “We are not going to bluff”, insisted training sources, so, despite admitting the consequences of a possible breakup of the Consell Executiu will be unpredictable inside and outside the party, they held their position. But everything may have blown up after Aragonès’ decision to remove the strong man from JxCat in the Government, Vice President Jordi Puigneró. The party executive meets at 8:00 a.m. this Thursday, electronically, to address the response, that is, if he accepts the dismissal and proposes a new vice president or breaks the coalition with CKD.

Throughout this decisive Wednesday for Junts and Esquerra, the spirit of post-convergence unity has gone ahead of dissent. It is true that there is self-criticism regarding the feasibility of having put on the table the threat of a matter of trust to Aragonès, a bombshell that was not known by the entire executive management, but only by the hard core of the formation, including Puigneró , but not all the holders of the post-convergence leg of the Government. And the president delved into that in the extraordinary meeting: he asked one by one his opinion. According to Junts, they all exhibited cohesion and a shared storysomething that Palau sources deny.

And it is that there may be self-criticism and stupor in the ranks, but the discomfort that exists with respect to Aragonès and ERC is greater, whom they continue to accuse of not complying with the Govern pact and of act arrogantlywithout paying attention to the reality that separates both parties: a single seat in the Parliament.

The more moderate emphasize that this time it’s not Laura Borras the one that is straining the seams, but it is the general secretary, Jordi Turull, who pilots the strategy and maintains that the ‘president’ must comply with the three known demands: share the strategic command of the ‘procés’, unity in Madrid and reformulation of the dialogue table to address self-determination and amnesty. At the same time, those who never believed in the idea of ​​supporting the current head of the Government feel reinforced in their idea of ​​abandoning the ship.

a bitter situation

However, the situation is bitter internally for many, who assume that, outside the Government, Junts is going to experience a more than complicated situation, with collateral effects of all kinds: ahead of the municipal elections -Xavier Trias had demanded peace in the Palau of the Generalitat as one of the four conditions to present himself as mayor of Barcelona-, in view of the coexistence between internal families, and also regarding the economic construction of a solid party and government. Being outside the Executiu is something that, those who do not come from the CDC, live with total normality, while the post-convergence considers it to be an undesirable scenario.

The internal consequences in Junts are well known to all, another possible fracture, but there is also a very harsh internal message against ERC. They warn the republicans that they have not been aware that they only had one more deputy than them and that if there is a divorce, Aragonès will have the post-convergence as an adversary.

“The opposition that Salvador Illa has made will be nothing compared to what we will do,” they warn, and assure that there will be no support for the budgets or for left-wing socioeconomic policies typical of ERC or close to the CUP. A scenario in which they believe that Aragonès will be the most ephemeral president in recent years and will make Esquerra, after 80 years, recover the presidency of the Generalitat in a very timely manner. The consequence of all this, they predict, will be early elections.
