Junts warns the PSOE that they charge “in advance” and that there can be “surprises”

The spokesperson for Junts in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, warned the PSOE this Saturday that “they will not reduce demands, as some seem to do”, and that her party, in addition, “charge in advance.” He has also warned the socialists that they may have “surprises” in the event that they think that “time will fix the problems” both in the case of the negotiation for the amnesty and with the use of Catalan in Congress.

Nogueras expressed himself in this way in his speech at the national council of Junts in Mataró (Barcelona), in which he established his party as the one that “holds its position” in the face of the eventual investiture of the acting president and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez.

“We will not let up, they are not going to temper our legs and we will not lower the demands as some seem to do,” he expressed, without wanting to mention ERC.

And he added: “Let no one make a mistake, this is not about reforming Spainwhich seems to be what some are working on, otherwise it is about not losing the -Catalan- nation.

“If the PSOE wants to negotiate with Junts You already know perfectly well what your negotiation margin is.“, continued Nogueras, who has asked the socialists not to think, like former president Mariano Rajoy (PP), that “time will fix the problems, because there may be surprises, and that goes for both the Catalan and the amnesty “.

After the Congress Board chaired by the socialist Francina Armengol has approved the use of Catalan and the Government is trying to make its use official in the EU, Nogueras has highlighted that “Catalunya begins to charge and charges in advance”reports Efe.

“We do nothing for nothing”

“We do nothing in exchange for nothing and the respect that some had contributed to was lost has already begun to be recovered, and as long as Catalonia depends on us, it will be at the center of everything, without resignations and with all firmness“, has added.

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The deputy had some words of “solidarity and recognition” for the former Minister of the Interior Miquel Buch, sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison and 20 years of disqualification for hiring a sergeant from the Mossos d’Esquadra as an advisor to continue escorting the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont after his departure from Spain.

“Derision and revenge is the only language they know -in the State- but they still don’t know who they have in front of them; We will not give up even half a millimeter in the defense of our country, our rights and the well-being of the citizens of Catalonia,” Nogueras exclaimed.
