Junts, the ‘puigdemontistas’ and the curious formula of “getting in the way”, by Josep Maria Fonalleras

In a fragment of her harangue full of quotes (as she always does), Laura Borràs said that the Junts conglomerate could be defined as “puigdemontista”. “You already know what we are & rdquor ;, he argued at the Junts congress in Argelers. This is a possible reading of the new executive and the new old ideological lines that Junts proposes: the unbreakable bond with the person who created the formation based on the impulse of his figure and his trajectory in exile. Puigdemont is the soul of Junts and in the congress he made it clear. He and also the new president, who stressed the dependence (emotional but also political) on the former mayor of Girona.

This Congress also had to be an attempt to rebuild the sociological space of a renewed and independentist CiU (but CiU, finally, let’s not fool ourselves) without the constant presence (but distant) of Puigdemont. And it turns out that one of the concepts that Borràs instituted was the curious formula of “get in the way.” That is, try to make others stumble. Between the personal fidelity and the need to put together an electoral machinery, there were times when someone might think that he was speaking on behalf of an alternative movement and not of a ruling party.
