Junts softens the tone before the negotiation of the Aragonès budgets

The Government is launched to try to get ahead some budgets by 2023 and places his ex, togetherand his recurring accomplice in recent accounts, In Comú Podem, as potential allies after the CUP veto that, once again, decided to plant the Executiu. The PSC remains in the bedroom, willing to collaborate, but the Republicans avoid, for now, picking up the gauntlet Salvador Island.

The round of contacts for the Catalan accounts was activated this Wednesday. The ‘consellera’ of Economy, Natalia Masand the Presidency, Laura Vilagra, took the reins of the future negotiation. The ‘comuns’ were the first to pass through the Palau de la Generalitat and both delegations verified harmony for a future agreement. The CUP decided, instead, not to attend, and Junts, despite the break, agreed to advance in the dialogue.

According to sources from the Generalitat, the post-convergence avoided putting on the table what was an initial condition for the formation: that the ‘president’ Pere Aragones first submit to a matter of trust. Junts sources confirm that they did not speak in these terms, although they continue to demand that the head of the Government explain what support he has. Now, from JxCat they point out that now, from the opposition, you can set your own conditions, while the budget is no longer the work of the one who was your ‘conseller’ James Giro. And, despite the initial slam, now “responsibility” prevails. “We will not be CUP”, insist these sources, about an appointment that lasted for an hour and a half, and that was headed by the parliamentary spokesperson, Monica Salesand the deputies in the Parliament Joan Canadell Y Jordi Munell.

Before the meeting, Sales maintained that his party was “willing to listen to the Government”, although he criticized “ERC’s diligence when it has to process the State Budgets and its slowness when it refers to the Generalitat”.

The pact with Junts continues to be a priority for Esquerra to avoid the PSC, which is why in Palau they celebrate that they have agreed to speak, although they are aware that they will have to strike a balance to reconcile the demands of the ‘comuns’ with those of a post-convergence that is now He now feels free to demand a tax cut that was not previously contemplated in Giró’s outline.

The Republicans assure that the work of the ‘exconseller’ serves as a starting point, but in Esquerra they assume that, although they insistently remind the post-convergence that its head was the architect of the budget project, it will be subject to changes. Some are unavoidable, such as the distribution of funds between Conselleries, even more so after the restructuring of the Government, and others are necessary to tie the ‘yes’ of its potential partners.

The conditions

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The meeting with the ‘comuns’ began at 1 pm and lasted for an hour and 45 minutes. The purple delegation -formed by David Cid, Joan Carles Gallego, Susana Segovia and Marc Parés- laid the foundations for the future negotiation. Sources from the ‘comuns’ and the Government assured this newspaper that there is a climate of trust to guarantee mutual collaboration and “predisposition to enter into matters”, that is, to reissue the pact that they already signed in 2020 and 2022. Despite Not having seen the details of the accounts, sources from En Comú Podem explain that they put their priorities on the table: a social shield of 1,000 million, a solidarity tax on incomes over 175,000 euros, multiplying social housing and the deployment of renewables. However, they detailed that there are breaches with respect to the previous agreements that must be reversed as soon as possible by Esquerra.

It will not be until next week when the PSC will have its private appointment. Illa continues with her offer to negotiate the figures to guarantee stability in Catalonia, but the negotiation of the General State Budgets, with ERC as an indispensable force for the Government, influences the socialist veto.
