Junts seals its withdrawal from the dialogue table and charges ERC for ‘helping’ Sánchez

Together for Catalonia closes its commitment to blow up the dialogue table and force a second round of the ‘procés’. The post-convergence militancy meets this Saturday in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) to set a new course for the initials after Laura Borras Y Jordi Turull pick up the witness Carles Puigdemont Y jordi sanchez as president and general secretary. A conclave that has already been inaugurated with the reaffirmation that they will not return to the path of dialogue between governments after the meeting this Friday between the ‘president’ Pere Aragones and the head of the Government, Pedro Sanchez.

The post-convergence, through the mouth of its general secretary, has certified its withdrawal from the dialogue table -which will resume at the end of July- and has charged its partners in the Government, Esquerra, for ‘helping’ Sánchez, in his opinion weakened after the elections in Andalusia and surrounded by a rising PP. “To act as rescuers of an electoral shipwreck of the PSOE who look for others. Sánchez, to save Moncloa, is capable of drowning Catalonia,” Turull snapped. Under his command, he has said, Junts will not allow itself to be “dragged by interested or poisoned siren songs or intimidated by the evil arts of the State.” “It is a table that serves to stay. More than a table, it would be good for them to form a Whatsapp groupwhich is what most mortals do when they have to stay”, he has recommended, with sarcasm, to Aragonès and Sánchez. “A little seriousness and dignity”, he has asked.

Borràs has chosen to demolish the story of the ‘dejudicialization’: “The agenda of reunion and harmony is the agenda of growing judicialization. This table only wants to lead us to paralysis, anesthesia, surrender”, he asserted , defending that his party does not fall “into the servility of the PSOE”.

The future of Borras

The president, who has received the backing of her party for her legal case, has once again maintained that she is the victim of political persecution, despite the fact that she is accused of crimes related to corruption, to finish off that “repression is a structure of the Spanish state”. The also head of Parliament faces six years in prison and 21 years of disqualification for allegedly splitting contracts during her time at the head of the Institution of Catalan Letters (ILC) and, despite pressure from Esquerra, CUP and the rest of the chamber -except for the 32 Junts deputies- is not willing to resign. His training even includes modifying the statutes to prevent it from being automatically suspended when an oral trial is opened.

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According to the organizational guidelines of the political force, still pending the validation of the militancy, Borràs will be able to keep the card despite sitting on the defendant’s bench because the new paper maintains that those investigated or convicted of corruption will not be removed if the commission of guarantees considers that it is a case of ‘lawfare’ (legal war), as they believe that Borràs is. There is a live amendment from Berguedà that asks to eliminate this assumption and that will be negotiated until the last moment to try to get the base text approved.

Another thing is what will happen in Parliament. Borràs defends his innocence and refuses to leave him. The Chamber’s regulations provide that she be removed from her functions when she has a date for the trial, if article 25.4 of the regulations is used, but she alleges that her cause is political and is set in 25.1 that requires an absolute majority – This is how the ball passes to ERC- and avoids crimes related to corruption.
