Junts’ query: who wants to leave the Government and who wants to stay?

to go out or not to go out of the Government, that is the question that Junts is preparing to answer in the next few hours, a decision key to governance in Catalonia but also decisive for the future of the party. The trickle of leaders who take sides for one option or another is ‘in crescendo’ as the vote approaches. It has been of little use that initially the party’s electoral committee claimed “maximum neutrality” to the members of the dome. The president of the formation herself, Laura Borrashas made it clear that she is in favor of breaking the coalition with ERC to become the opposition, just the opposite of what the majority of ‘consellers’ have defended.

The general secretary of Together, Jordi Turull, He has finally declined to position himself to favor the “cohesion and strengthening” of the political project, and after the request for neutrality made by the electoral syndicate, as he himself has explained on social networks. He has also not revealed what the ‘conseller’ of Health thinks, Joseph Maria Argimon. With this x-ray, Junts launches a high caliber vote that will close this Friday at five in the afternoon.

Borràs, who maintains that the Government presided over by Pere Aragonès no longer has “democratic legitimacy”, has publicized what his vote will be in the consultation hours after the ‘ex-president’ Carles Puigdemontwho is not part of the leadership of the party but who maintains his ascendancy in space, has retweeted an article with arguments in favor of leaving the Government published by who was his chief of staff and current spokesman for the postconvergents, Joseph Rius.

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Among the supporters of leaving are also the ‘ex-vice president’ of the Government Jordi Puignero, who was fired last week by Aragonès; and the chairman of the parliamentary group, Albert Batett, who in the general policy debate launched the question of confidence that precipitated the crisis. Of the ‘consellers, that of Universitats, Gemma Geis, is the only one that this Wednesday has made it clear that it is part of this group. The organization secretary of Junts also promotes this option, David Torrent; the former minister Tony Cominthe second secretary of the table of the Parliament, aurora madaulaand the deputies Jaume Alonso Cuevillas Y Francis of Dalmases.

By contrast, the ‘conseller’ James Giro He was one of the first to verbalize that he wants to continue in the Government. The rest of the members of Junts en el Govern followed: Victoria Alsina (exteriors), Lourdes Ciuro (Justice) and Violant Cervera (Social rights). In this same block are the exconsellers Joseph Rull, Joaquim Forn Y Damia Calvetas well as the former general secretary of the party, jordi sanchez and the deputy David Saldon. One of the strongest voices when defending that it is necessary to continue in the Executiu has been Xavier Triaswhose name is on the list to be mayor of Barcelona.
