Junts promises not to “give away” votes to anyone and warns that the “ball is in Sánchez’s court”

“We will not go to Madrid with the list of grievances as has always been done. The ball is in Pedro Sánchez’s court.” This has been stated by the head of the list together for the 23-J elections, Miriam Nogueraswhen asked about the conditions of the post-convergents to a possible investiture of the socialist candidate, in the presentation of the posters and campaign slogans that was held this Monday morning at the Hotel Duquessa de Cardona.

According to Nogueras, these elections are not about “left or right, They go from Spain or Catalonia“and, distancing himself from the messages of fear before a possible government with Vox, he has assured that neither the PP nor the PSOE “will never defend Catalonia”.

Thus, it has warned that if any party wants the votes of Junts for the investiture, it will have to make a proposal. “They know perfectly well what we want, if there is a will to unblock, we will be there,” Nogueras affirmed, also adding that they will not give “any vote to whoever intends to continue denying the right to self determination” and who “does not pay and plunder” Catalonia.

With this idea, Junts has presented the electoral poster, where you can see the candidate dressed in white and blue and equipped with some Catalan espadrilles, which symbolize, as they explain from the candidacy, the “rootedness to the earth”. The motto is “enough is enough”, accompanied by another more positive message: “you have the opportunity to change everything”. According to the senator Josep Lluis Cleriesis a cry “against conformism” and to “improve everything”.

In addition, Cleries has also advanced that the campaign that Junts is preparing will use the “artificial intelligence” to bring the program and the position of the candidates closer to the citizenry, and that can be consulted through a web page that the party will enable.

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On the other hand, when asked if there will be a certain unity with ERC in these elections, at least at the programmatic level, Nogueras has highlighted that there is a “certain rapprochement” with the Republicans, but has warned that the “programmatic common minimum will surely not be the ‘in exchange for nothing’ until now”. “We appealed for unity from the first day, we hope that the rest of the parties return from where they should not have moved”, he added.

The presentation of the electoral posters has also served to value the electoral agreement with Demòcrates and Moviment d’Esquerres de Catalunya, and to establish itself as the only “faithful” candidacy for Junts pel Sí. Junts pel Sí minus a formation”, affirmed the leader of the Democrats and candidate for the Senate, Toni Castellain reference to ERC.
