Junts prepares an uncertain return to the confrontation with the State

The political roadmap together just approved in its congress makes it clear: the fifth anniversary of the referendum of the 1-O It has to be a turning point and “culminate” the process of independence. But what will this ordeal translate into in practice, which is the main argument against the path of dialogue that CKD rehearsed again at the end of July in Madrid? The answer is yet to be written, while the more moderate sectors are suspicious of this new challenge.

Sources from the party leadership confirm that the general policy debate which will take place in Parliament at the end of September will serve to vote on proposals encouraging the preparation of the confrontation. A new clash with a final objective: to “raise” the unilateral declaration of independence (DUI) of October 27, 2017 and that was not applied at any time.

The political report of the Junts congress instructs all the ‘consellers’ of the party to prepare plans to bring the Government closer to independence from the chair of each ‘conselleria’. In a certain sense, it is a return to the exit box of the so-called State structures that, during the time of the Government of Arthur More they became lengthy documents on how to prepare for a disengagement from the state. But there will be a part that will not depend on the institutions, sources from the management point out, but on citizen mobilization and entities. Making these plans more concrete is complicated: “It’s the million dollar question“, admits a leader. Another admits that internally the comment is something similar to: everything must be ready but nothing must be explained. “They live in the Matrix“, ditch.

Put pressure on ERC

Junts’ argument is that it is not necessary to wait for two years of term that ERC was marked with the CUP to explore the possibilities of negotiating with the government, because Esquerra has not complied with the part that referred to a mid-term trust issue, agreed with the anti-capitalists. Having breached the ERC-CUP pact (which deactivated it, it should be remembered, by not supporting the first budgets of the Govern de Aragonès), Junts also feels totally detached from this period and believes that there are more than enough reasons to slam the door on the talks with Moncloa. And thus put pressure on the Republican partner and rival, the main adversary in the next elections, the municipal ones of 2023.

“We have to warm up engines”, they explain in the game of Laura Borras Y Jordi Turull, the two new leaders of the formation who have collected forceful statements in recent times in relation to the belligerent path. Turull has talked about taking action, from words to deeds – without further specification – and Borras has argued the infeasibility of dialogue. All this must end, the paper insists and the leaders emphasize, in a decision: “Lift the DUI” of 2017.

The most skeptical views

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This tactic collides with two realities from the outset. One, that of the ‘consellers’ of the party, who claim their task in the Executive: they ask for time to apply their policies and therefore they are not in the business of creating instability from the outset. Two, that of those who do not believe in the viability of another declaration of independence, at a time when independence is not going through its best moments of mobilization or unity between parties or the strength of sovereignist social entities.

ERC, meanwhile, attends this internal debate on the part of its partner without blinking, trusting that for the moment there is no concrete alternative to that of the dialogue table with the Government. “At least, Junts has not yet detailed what such a plan b consists of,” the Republicans maintain. That is why the ‘president’, Pere Aragonesin his balance sheet of the political course, has stated calmly and with a certain defiance: “If there is a specific proposal, we will listen to it very carefully.“.
