Junts, in their internal argument: “ERC has kicked us out”

In an internal argument that has been disclosed on social networks, Junts assures that ERC has “thrown them out”, despite the fact that it was the militancy of JxCat which decided to leave the Government. “Junts cannot be asked to solve the problems of the Government after ERC has kicked us out,” the text says literally. An argument that promises a “constructive opposition” but is dedicated to charging against the Republicans.

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The document assures -despite the reiterated affirmations of the president of the party, Laura Borrasabout the lack of legitimacy of the new Government- that “the president of the Generalitat has all the legitimacy to appoint his government but the political parties that facilitated the investiture Pere Aragones They have every right to ask that it be submitted to a matter of confidence”.

“constructive opposition”

The text is dedicated to defining the new executive as a Government with an “absolute minority” that is no longer pro-independence but rather “autonomous”, and also ensures that it is “narrow track” made up of new ‘consellers’ who are “old faces of the stage autonomist”. Junts affirms that ERC is a party that does not comply with the agreements and does not guarantee any support for the 2023 budgets either, despite the fact that until now they have been designed by the Junts ‘minister’ James Giro. And despite all this they promise, in the argument, a “constructive, responsible and with a sense of state” opposition.
