Junts expels deputy Cristina Casol from the party, who denounced acts of machismo

Together From now on, it will have one less deputy in the Parliament. Is about Cristina Casolthe deputy who denounced the leadership of her parliamentary group of gender-based harassment, who will remain in the Chamber as a non-attached deputy. The post-convergents have finally decided to expel her from the party, as the newspaper Ara has advanced and EL PERIÓIDICO has confirmed, after she ignored the request for her to resign and return her deputy certificate, as EL PERIÓDICO advanced. The party – with the support of the majority of the group’s deputies – accuse her of using feminism to fight internal battles and damaging the party’s image.

Under the accusation of “disloyalty”, the executive has voted in favor of expelling Casol, with eight votes against. The deputy for Lleida reported up to ten situations to the Parliament’s Equality Office in which she considered that she had been harassed for being a woman. The report on the case, prepared by a company outside the Chamber, considered that the facts could not be “proven”, but noted that the party has a basis “strongly patriarchal” and that there is a “work environment where the sexism more cultural is rooted.” The text also proposed to the party the creation of a feminism commission and urged them to attend training on this matter.

The report has generated internal discomfort within Junts, especially due to its publication in the media, when in theory the process should be confidential. A fact that led the president of the institution, Anna Erra, to propose last Tuesday to the Board a suspension of the protocol so that it can be reviewed. Her attempt, however, was unsuccessful, since neither the PSC, nor ERC nor the CUP supported her.

La denuncia de Madaula


El caso de Casol es parecido al de la diputada y secretaria de la Mesa del Parlament, Aurora Madaula, que también tiene abierta una denuncia por acoso contra su grupo parlamentario. Su caso lo expuso públicamente ella misma durante el pleno de mujeres, en el que habló de “acoso parlamentario” y de “abuso de poder” y señaló directamente a sus “compañeros de partido“. 

Una denuncia pública que, como en el caso de Casol, le valió la reprimenda de hasta 22 diputados de su grupo, que firmaron una carta en la que se quejaban de sus palabras. Además de la invitación de la presidenta del Parlament, Anna Erra, para que dimitiera de su cargo en la Mesa, al considerar que había una pérdida de confianza. Desde entonces, Madaula está de baja médica y no hay previsión de que se reincorpore pronto.

El acta de diputada, igual que el cargo en la mesa, es personal. Por lo tanto, si ellas no hacen el paso de dimitir, Junts no puede recuperar el escaño y hacer entrar al siguiente nombre de la lista electoral. Se da la circunstancia que las dos diputadas son del sector afín a Laura Borràs, quien de momento mantiene silencio.
