Jumping on the couch with pride by World Cup gold over Eveline and Cathelijn

They are very proud of the athletics clubs in Veldhoven and Vught. Eveline Saalberg and Cathelijn Peeters wrote history by taking gold on Sunday at the World Cup with the Dutch relay women. At both associations they take their first steps as athletes.

Written by

Leon Voskamp

Cathelijn Peeters comes from Dongen and still trains with Prince Hendrik in Vught. Chairman Ron Peddemors and my wife have seen as much of the World Cup as possible. “Sunday evening was very special with Cathelijn in the final. Few people took gold into account beforehand, a medal would be great. It was fantastic that Femke Bol passed the competition in the last 100 meters. We were jumping in the room.”

“Cathelijn started here as a little girl.”

Ron knows Cathelijn well as a member of the athletics club. “Once in a while a super talent comes on. Cathelijn started here as a little girl and has developed fully. We know her within the association as a very open and cheerful person. She trains hard, receives good guidance here and puts in fantastic performances.”

Cathelijn will probably be honored this week at the sports park in Vught. According to the chairman, the youth of the association will play a role in this. “We hope that the youth will be inspired by these world class players. After the corona period, we can make good use of the young growth.”

“Eveline still has friends and family who are members here.

Eveline Saalberg is from Vessem and started at the GVAC in Veldhoven. Chairman Jos Goudsmit of that association also speaks of an unforgettable evening. “I was expecting a place in the top three. The fact that it eventually turned gold is fantastic. We texted with various members and words fell short. Quite a few people jumped on the couch for joy in the evening.”

Eveline now lives and trains at top sports training center Papendal, but still returns regularly. “She still has friends and family members here. She herself has sometimes given clinics to youth or awarded prizes during the club championships. She even trained once. Eveline is so busy and successful, but we love it when she is with our association.”

Jos does not yet know how GVAC will reflect on Eveline’s world title. “But we will certainly think about it. This is of course a great achievement that also puts our association on the map.”
