‘Jumbo is behind a complaint against Glennis Grace, they are furious’

Glennis Grace has officially filed a report for her fight in the Jumbo, it was announced yesterday. But who is behind that? “It comes from within the company.”


According to John van den Heuvel it is not clear who exactly has filed a report to Glennis Grace and her 15-year-old son. “I suspect that it was people from the supermarket itself,” he says in RTL Boulevard. It could then be supermarket employees who would have been attacked by Glennis and her alleged vigilante group.

Dear lawyer

Shownieuws star Albert Verlinde thinks that the declaration comes from Jumbo as a company. “The fact that a report has been filed is of course tough and I always think sincerely… It happened in a Jumbo supermarket, of course, and I always have the idea that Jumbo as a company will not let this go its way.”

Jumbo will stand right in front of its young employees, he thinks. “I have the idea that at least one of those declarations comes from that company and then of course you have a very serious party against you who can hire the best lawyer and ensure that.”

family business

That could very well be the case, adds Privé Boss Evert Sankrediets. “It’s a family business and I think they also feel responsible towards their staff and those people who fill those boxes for a few euros an hour, and they were of course present at that time. I think they are going to take that very seriously.”

Albert: “And on the other hand, they are very deeply involved in entertainment with Guus Meeuwis and all that. I think they’re really like, hey, stop, this far and no further! Not only in Amsterdam, but nowhere in the Netherlands! It wouldn’t surprise me.”

Jump into the breach

Presenter Annemarie Brüning: “And to jump in the breach for your staff, you should actually do this.”

Albert: “Absolutely, many underage boys and girls who work there, so they must be protected. It is far from finished for Glennis.”

Camera images

The security images of the Jumbo have not yet been leaked via Yvonne Coldeweijer and that is quite an achievement. What’s up with that?

Evert: “That is also nice of the company, because none of the staff has leaked. I think the Jumbo simply said: ‘We are not going to come out about this’, but of course there are people who, like Glennis, are eager to tell what happened there.”
