Julio Zamora: “We ask that the minimum non-taxable earnings be reviewed”

“In recent months we are seeing a strong impact, via the increase in rates and inflation in the household economy, we are very concerned. I see it in the neighborhoods or when I visit a locality, the situation of people who see their income liquefy as a result of inflation and increases in some public services that impact their salaries,” said Julio Zamora, the mayor of Tigre.

“We call for an acknowledgment by the National Government, so that the issue related to the minimum non-taxable earnings is urgently reviewed. I think that based on coherence it should be brought forward. We are talking about a salary that is not so large, it deserves to be seen and consider the increase in the non-taxable minimum, because it is an average income, ”said the politician in a message to his predecessor in the district, the current Minister of Economy Sergio Massa.

“Many workers, based on the parity increases that are being seen, are reaching that earnings floor, so it is worthwhile for the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation and the Executive Power to take it into consideration. I think that what is missing is a look that has to do with the genesis of what the Frente de Todos was and what we propose to have a look at the most vulnerable sectors, “said Zamora, pointing out that the adjustment is misdirected .

“We have to follow a path that returns to the origin of the Frente de Todos, we have to prioritize our retirees, the workers, the sectors that perhaps do not have a job and need help. This is the priority issue, because very recently the problems of the countryside were taken into consideration and they were given recognition”, the mayor aligned himself with the claim of a sector of the Frente de Todos dissatisfied with the wink of Massa with the big producers from the “soybean dollar”.

“We hit people’s pockets via inflation, when the retiree goes to the supermarket and sees that his products increase, he becomes aware that his salary has decreased ostensibly. I do not think that the government does not take this into account, I think that Alberto Fernández is aware of this situation and is going to take action on the matter, ”the mayor leveraged in a wink to the president.

by RN

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