Julie Powell died at the age of 49

Powell’s husband confirmed that she died of cardiac arrest, reported the New York Times.

Julie Powell died at her home in New York at just 49 years old. MPNC

Bestselling food writer Julie Powell has died at the age of 49, reports The New York Times. Powell died on October 26 at his home in New York.

Powell’s husband confirmed the matter to the magazine. According to him, the cause was cardiac arrest.

Powell’s career began as a blogger on the Salon.com platform, where she experimented by Julia Child All 524 recipes in the Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook over the course of a year.

Inspired by Child, Powell found a passion for cooking and a career as a writer. New York had just experienced the WTC bombings and Powell also applied for his position.

Based on a popular blog, the work saw the light of day in 2004 Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen.

Nora Ephron’s directed a 2009 film based on Powell’s book Julie & Juliawhere Meryl Streep played Julia Child and Amy Adams Powell.

The movie was really popular. Streep was nominated for the Oscar for the leading actress.
