Julia Ituma death, secrets in the hotel of the suicide hypothesis tragedy

We stayed in Ituma’s hotel: her room is not sealed, the first report speaks of suicide. And Rome has opened an investigation

From our correspondent Valerio Piccioni

April 15th
– ISTANBUL (Türkiye)

The corridor is the cursed one. Naked, deserted, silent. We see the two small white spots on the carpet that can also be recognized in the video that has been touring Europe in the last few hours. There are no seals on the door, only the number 607. But it is as if we were reading an invisible inscription arriving on the sixth floor of the Volley Hotel, the one on the last night of the 18 and a half years of Julia Ituma, volleyball player of the Igor Gorgonzola Novara from the great a future that some even imagined as the new Paola Egonu, the blue star who also trains and plays with her Vakifbank just a few minutes’ drive from here. The invisible writing says only one thing: why?
