Jule Haake and Jacob Schopf win mixed thriller

Status: 06/24/2022 2:15 p.m

In a hundredth of a second thriller, Jule Haake and Jacob Schopf won the German championship title in mixed kayaking twos.

Even after crossing the finish line on Friday (June 24th, 2022), Haake and Schopf (Lünen/Potsdam) were still unsure whether their brilliant final sprint in the parallel sprint over 200 meters was enough: the two looked at their competitors Paulina Paszek and Max Lemke ( Hanover/Potsdam) across.

decision in the last meters

Paszek and Lemke had been in the lead for the entire race, but Haake/Schopf finally got past them in the last few meters: After evaluating the finish photo, there was a gap of 0.03 seconds, which ultimately decided the gold and silver.

Bronze went to Caroline Arft and Tom Liebscher (Essen/Dresden), who won the B final against Katharina Diederichs and Tobias-Pascal Schultz (Potsdam/Essen) with a lead of 96 hundred slen.

Canoe sprint at the finals 2022 in Berlin – the final in the paracanoe.
