Jukka Hildén comments on Duudson’s future

Jukka Hildén says in the news book that no one knows exactly what Duudson’s future looks like.

Duudsonit group member Jukka Hildén tells in his new book Jukka Hildén – The Legacy of Pain (Johnny Kniga), what it has been like to grow together with three men from Härmälä into a tight group of friends: the Duudsons.

In his book, Hildén says in the very first paragraph about the Duudsons that he is very proud of the Duudsonit title. He says that the group is mainly about deep friendship.

Marko Tuominiemi photogaphy Marko Tuominiemi

The blood has boiled in the Dudsons, and I’ve been able to risk everything at times. I can literally say that I lived on the borderlands of danger. The thing is, I was born that way, and through the group I was able to live that way from a young age. I am especially proud of the fact that my own children can now and always say: “Our faija has been a pretty wild bastard.”

The book goes through several more wild tricks and stunts, which have not necessarily succeeded as desired. Hildén also remembers wild party nights in America with, among others, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. He was able to join the party thanks to Duudson’s internationalization.

The future of the Dudsons

The Duudsonit group has been performing on TV since 2001. Photo of the group from 2013. Ville-Petteri Määtä

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Duudsons have been seen in TV shows, YouTube videos, fan products and participation in several events. Hildén reveals in the book that the group’s future is currently a question mark.

I think in every band or something like the Duudsons in a group, it is the tension between the individual and the group that keeps the energy high. Only when we know who we are as individuals can we truly know what we are together. Your own growth is one thing. In any case, it’s a big change for the Dudsons, because there are four of us. Duudsonit has been like a band. Bands have such a structure that not everyone can be a leader.

In the book, it is said that the group even sought professional help for what they would like to do and be in the future. According to Hildén, there is no definite information on whether they will do TV programs or other joint work together, for example.

For years I have been working on the fact that I need to know how to trust more. Of course, great successes come when you assemble a good team. And yet sometimes the world shows that you have to do everything yourself. I think that the situation can be turned into a positive. I have found new strength in myself and started doing things for myself, for myself.

All I know is that, to me, the Duudsons still represent brotherhood at heart. I have always been able to trust other Duudsons than Heaven.

The italicized passages are from the book Jukka Hildén – The Legacy of Pain (Johnny Kniga) written by Jani Niipola, which will be published on October 6.

The Duudsons released their own clothing collection called Lakeus. From the left, Jarppi Leppälä, Jukka Hilden, Jarno Laasala, HP Parviainen. Satumaari Ventelä/KL
