Jukka Hildén, 42, reveals why the biography right now

Jukka Hildén wants to talk openly about the tough moments in her life so that people can identify with her and get peer support in difficult times.

– I’m excited, Jukka Hildén says with a slight smile.

The reason for the excitement is not the next big stunt with the Duudsons or a TV appearance, but the just published biography Jukka Hildén – Legacy of pain. Hildén says that he is completely honest in the book about what he has had to experience in his life. He reveals that he talks about topics that he wants to talk about more in the future.

– I’ve been in the public eye for 20 years and people have some opinion about me, but not all of them may be completely correct. Now there is at least one place where I have been able to tell myself who I am and what I have done, Hildén says to Iltalehte, holding his fresh book in hand.

Jukka Hildén is happy to offer peer support. Miia Sirén

Interim financial statements

The 42-year-old Hildén describes the recent biography as an “interim account” of everything in life so far. His life has included, among other things, a long career in the entertainment industry both in Finland and abroad, the birth of four children, a divorce and finding a new love. He states that now was the right time to write a biography.

– So many things have happened here and I’ve been on my knees pretty badly, this book sums it all up. It was also good for me to go through these things at this point, so that from now on I remember who I am and what I don’t want to be, Hildé sums up.

Hildén says in the book that he has experienced exhaustion and burnout several times during his life.

– I lost myself badly and found myself again, this is where a different life begins. I’m not afraid of being exhausted again, because I recognize those traits in myself, he states.

– I have never lived in fear. Some people may be afraid of injuries or accidents, but I have always sworn that life must be lived with a big heart. You can’t live in the shadows, Hildén continues, referring to, among other things, the increasingly wild adventures of the Duudsones.

Even though Hildén became known for the Duudsonit group and their wild antics, today she feels that she is also more than that.

– I am both Duudsonit-Jukka and Jukka Hildén. Today, I would like to call myself “Adventurous Faija”. That’s what I really am!

Learned to understand

In her book, Hildén also recounts the raucous moments surrounded by her younger brother and her father’s alcohol problems. Hildén reveals that he had to experience a moment when his little brother called that he would commit suicide. Hildén took her brother Pete to treatment, but the brother interrupted the treatments several times.

In the book, Hildén says that he cut ties with his brother for 10 years. Today, things are warming up with Pete’s sobriety, but Hildén doesn’t want to give too much hope due to the disappointments of the past.

– I’m not angry about my past, especially today, when I know why things have been the way they are. It’s all because of illness. I have been able and had to be so close to everything that I have learned to see and understand quite a lot.

– I love my family. They wouldn’t be the people they are now if they hadn’t gone through all the difficulties, says Hildén.

Jukka Hildén knows what it feels like to be exhausted. Miia Sirén

Hildén wants to use her own stories to help people who have been in the same situation as her. Although, for example, going through a divorce or the family’s alcohol problems in the book has felt harsh and brought emotions to the surface, it has also served as a certain kind of therapy and during self-examination.

– What has changed the most in me over the years is a certain calmness and the fact that I can really be present. You don’t always have to be there or there, but I’m really happy with what I have in terms of love, family and health, he states reflectively.

– It feels really good if someone considers me a role model. I’ve made my own mistakes and I’m also honest about it, because all those who claim otherwise are lying. Everyone has difficulties and mistakes, it’s only mercy and humanity to raise your hand as a sign of a mistake, Hildén concludes.

Jukka Hildén is a role model. Miia Sirén
