Juho Haapoj met the police in a difficult place in Lapua

Juho Haapoja, who ended his professional boxing career a few years ago, is involved in organizing a boxing night in Lapua. The arrangements got added color when Haapoja’s climbing over the fence brought official authority to the scene.

Juho Haapoja found himself in a tight spot, but it wasn’t about shady jobs. Marko Tuominiemi/AOP

Twice winner of professional boxing’s lower heavyweight EU championship in his career Juho Haapoja is involved in organizing the PP-Boxing Night event in Lapua next Saturday.

The arrangements took a special turn last Friday when Haapoja was picking up the car from the main organizer of the event SpongeBob Jumping from company protections.

– At dusk, I was supposed to get the van ready and leave it at six in the morning to pick up the boxing ring. However, the keys were left inside, which is why I called Paavo.

After receiving permission to climb over the fence and detailed instructions on how to find the keys, Haapoja left to struggle over the company’s metal fence.

– While I was dragging myself over the fence, I heard boys from somewhere nearby shouting, “What is the guy doing?” However, I couldn’t find out more, instead I rushed over the fence.

– At the same time, it occurred to me that what if there are sharp thorns on the top of the fence that hit the groin. Then it would have been great to be attached to the fence, Haapoja laughs.

Inside the fence, Haapoja continued his progress in the dark evening with a flashlight.

– At the same time, I thought that if the boys are awake, they will probably call the police after a vague passerby.

To the policemen

Haapoja was right in his plans. Soon, Paavo Hyyppä turned into the yard first, followed immediately by a police car.

– Fortunately, Paavo got there about a minute before the police. Virkvalta first inquired as to what the gentleman was really up to.

– If Paavo hadn’t made it there, Haapoja might have been in handcuffs and the journey would have continued to the tube, the ingredients of disaster were in the air. Of course, it would have been even more handsome if I had been on the fence by the groin when Maija arrived, laughs Haapoja.

At the same time, Haapoja thanks the boys.

– I didn’t have time to talk with them. The boys disappeared into the horizon. However, thanks to them for their exemplary work. You have to deal with this when you hit the spot.

The boxer’s ring search trip was also successful in the end. Seven matches will be seen in the same ring on Saturday’s boxing night.

– Four of the matches are professional matches. In the main match, they will meet in the upper middle division Santeri Laine as well as Albanian Kristi Doni. Another particularly interesting match is the heavyweight Finnish match Tuukka Kangasluoman and Hadi Taslim between.

– I am also Tuukka’s coach myself, so there is interest in the air in many ways. I also hope that the audience will come through the open gate and not over the fence like me, Haapoja grins.

He was the first to tell about what happened Ilkka-Pohjalainen.
