Judo, Bellandi and Parlati: podium in the Grand Slam in Budapest

The Italy of the judoists celebrates the second position in the medal table of the event that was held in Hungary. Now the Azzurri are aiming for the world championship

The one in Budapest was a Grand Slam for Italy that couldn’t be bigger. The third and final day, in fact, brought an extraordinary first place for Alice Bellandi in the 78 kg and a second place, truly splendid, for Christian Parlati in the 90 kg. And the medal table for nations also recorded an Italy with four podiums thanks to Giulia Carnà, Antonio Esposito, Christian Parlati and Alice Bellandi who placed immediately behind the stratospheric Japan, first overall with its eight first places. Among other things, the Grand Slam in Budapest formalized the official opening of the race for the Olympic qualification and if, as they say, whoever starts well is half the battle for the Italian team, the start was among the best possible . Stellar competition that of Alice Bellandi who made it clear how serious her intentions are in the 78 kg category, embraced after the Olympics in Tokyo lived in the 70 kg, exactly like Christian Parlati, passed in the 90 kg immediately after the Games.

next goal: the world championship

“I am very satisfied -said Alice Bellandi- in Budapest it was a great day for me. Gold is the medal I was missing and then in the preliminaries I faced very strong opponents, the Japanese Olympic champion and the Brazilian who has won bronze three times in as many Olympics. And I fought on an equal footing, if not at a higher level, but I am very happy because I felt very good sensations and now I expect an even greater result. Let’s say that this gold suits me, but one step at a time, I aim for the next goal, which is the world championship. And I want to thank Antonio, Andrea, Fabrizio and Francesco who train me and support me every day, Emanuele and Lelia who are always available to let me train at any time and circumstance and finally my girlfriend and my family who are my great support “. It is certainly a curiosity that among the names of coach judoka known as Antonio Ciano, Francesco Bruyere, of the athletic trainer Fabrizio Montanari, Bellandi also makes use of Andrea Palloni, an expert in a completely different discipline being former coach of Alessia Filippi and other champions of the I swim.

winning synergy

“In addition to being a coach – Alice explained – Andrea is also a confidant, a friend, a shoulder and my shield. On a professional level he has made a series of changes that fit perfectly with my needs. it is always easy especially for our very, too similar characters, but this is part of the game … I’m sure he would say the same about me. To be honest we have a winning ‘double collaboration’ with regards to athletic training which also includes Fabrizio Montanari, I must say that with the synergy we have found, with their infinite skills, they have made me make a difference “. The winning path of Alice Bellandi, in fact, put the Chinese Liu Yi in line, then the Japanese Shori Hamada and the Brazilian Mayra Aguiar, to conclude with the Israeli Inbar Lanir, current number 3 in the world ranking.

a matter of tactics

The race of Christian Parlati was also perfect or almost, who gained the final of the 90 kg with a clear path by liquidating the insidious Lebanese Caramnob Sagaipov, then the Serbian already world champion, Nemanja Majdov, the emerging 21 year old Hungarian Gergely Nerpel and the Brazilian Rafael Macedo, then giving in to the Japanese Sanshiro Murao in the final due to a question of sanctions. “I am certainly at ease in the new 90 kg category for me – said Christian Parlati – I came to Budapest mainly to meet in preparation for the World Cup and the race went very well and it is also the first qualifying race. . Sorry about the final, it was a very tactical match and I understand that at some point they had to somehow find a winner and they chose the path of sanctions. However I know I have to work to deal with it better next time. score of this second place, obviously it suits me but I still don’t think about it, the time for qualification is still far and I concentrate on the goal of the year, the world championship in Tashkent “.
