Judge blows back the municipality: it was not allowed to terminate the lease contract of the relieved Hockey Club Groningen. ‘The year could have started worse’

The municipality of Groningen has terminated the lease agreement with Hockey Club Groningen and offered a new contract on less favorable terms. The club did not agree to this and has now been vindicated by the judge.

It has been a thorn in the side of the municipality and many associations in Groningen for some time: one club pays more rent for the sports field than the other. This problem should be solved with a level playing field for all associations and everyone will receive the same rental conditions, but in doing so the municipality is ignoring existing agreements.

Hockey club Groningen – formerly GHHC – wants to hold the municipality to the existing lease agreement of January 17, 2014. It stipulates that the association rents four hockey fields with changing rooms at the Harener Holt sports complex. The rental contract may only be terminated in the event of a forced move, as stated in the conditions. But that is not the case and so the hockey club did not agree to the new proposal from the municipality.

Groningen went to court

The municipality of Groningen went to the subdistrict court to terminate the existing lease agreement, using the municipal reorganization of Groningen, Haren and Ten Boer as an argument. The judge says that the reclassification in itself is an unforeseen circumstance, but not such that the lease must be terminated. According to the judge, the changed situation is not the responsibility of the club, but of the municipality.

“I am relieved that the agreements appear to apply as we thought,” says chairman Bart Jan Hoevers of Hockey Club Groningen. “The year could have started worse.”

It makes quite a difference for the association, because with the existing agreement the hockey club can use its accommodation for an annually determined rental price. With a new agreement there would be more uncertainty. “Now we can use our facilities to the fullest and we do not have to bill based on hours. That is the most important. We know every year where we stand financially.”

The municipality of Groningen wants to first study the ruling and only then respond substantively, a spokesperson said. It therefore remains unclear whether and what consequences this ruling may have for other associations.

read here the full statement.
