Juan Mateu Gual, the ‘drag queen’ was a man from Vox

There is a Spain that gets up early because it has not yet gone to bed. She will, after the tardeno and the backfire. Well, this Spain that stays up late is also represented by Vox, the party of outdated ideas. A ‘drag queen’ named Juan from Ibiza He hung up the feather boa, the bodice and the platforms three summers ago. After years of enjoying the crazy life, Locomía, he donned a navy blue jacket and is now the Alcúdia Councilor for Tourism. For Vox, the nuance is essential, and in a consistory commanded by the mayor Josefina Linares of the PP, one of those pacts to the right that are our daily bread. But let’s go back to the night, when Juan Mateu Gual proclaimed himself “ambassador of Eivissa”, “public relations, image, producer, guide and stylist” and organized parties of maximum sprawlamong others, at the Amnesia nightclub.

Where did you tell me? I do not remember anything. I am a Spaniard who dresses down to his feet, and who, as our head of the local list for the neo-fascist party said, wants to put the city in the north of Mallorca “in its rightful place.” It has certainly made national news that a bearded drag queen well-known in the environment end up on the scorecards of a homophobic, transphobic political formation and that it intends to reduce the rights of all those who are not strictly heterosexual and of their rope. Too much time staring at the mirror ball on the dance floor? They had to put something worse than the carafe in the drink to suffer such a bad hangover.

There is a Spain whose extreme right hand does not know what its left hand is doing. That Spain that lives on stories and fanfare, and that puts a red-and-gold flag on the rubber of the gayumbos as a passport to live her life as she pleases, while she gives instructions on someone else’s. And, most dangerously, she is preparing to legislate about it. Juan from Ibiza, full makeup, glittery thongs, tight fancy corsets, pink satin top hats and the partying doesn’t stop. Juan Mateu Gual, employee of a maritime excursion company and mayor for a party that despises sexual freedom and considers homosexuality a danger and a deviation. Juan from Ibiza, participant in the greater Pitiusa of a citizen campaign to stop abusive rents. Juan Mateu Gual, councilor, today, for a formation that rejects any attempt to cool down the runaway real estate market as liberticidal. Two sides of a coin that looks like a tough Sevillian.

two-faced character, He will not be the first politician to practice hypocrisy (pretense of qualities or sentiments contrary to those that are truly held or experienced) because public office is being handed out over and over again, and you have to be the right person at the right time. We are missing hands. Patriot the last.

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The drag queen hasn’t said this mouth is mine since her past as a queen came to the fore. Normal, as they say in Mallorca, such a day will be a year while the payrolls arrive on time. The conservative mayoress of Alcúdia, who depends on her vote, has not piulated either. The left-wing opposition, in the line that has led it to lose power throughout the entire State, comments that it is a private matter on which it neither pronounces nor will it pronounce. That is the self-righteous, pusillanimous and timid attitude with which the stronghold of fundamental rights can hardly be defended from the certain threat posed by a grown extreme right. Well Of course, it must be said without being shy about being the ‘drag queen’ of a neo-fascist party is frankly incoherentHow unfortunate to join those who insult and want to marginalize people whose only sin is to be like you. It is called laundering of carcamales, double standards and lack of solidarity.

It is ugly to preach one thing and give a very different wheat, to be one of those whitewashed sepulchers that the Bible said. The ultra-Catholic president of the Balearic Parliament, from Vox, Gabriel Le Senne, knows this very well, denouncing things like “LGBTI indoctrination is raising the percentages of homosexual and trans children.” He has refused to put the rainbow flag on the balcony of the Chamber for gay pride, as was often the case, with the PP supporting the measure, backed up but less uncomfortable than some believe. And with Juan from Ibiza applauding the new bearded star of the ‘show’, well, denialism begins with oneself.
