Juan Luis Manzur: from relevant to relegated

just replaced santiago cafiero at the Cabinet Office, John Louis Manzur He showed that he was going for everything. From his morning meetings with ministers to daily conferences with journalists, the former governor of Tucumán overreacted in managing a government downcast by the electoral defeat.

But as the weeks passed, his role began to generate misgivings. The incorporation of the spokesperson Gabriela Ceruti he isolated him and little by little his agenda deflated, until he reached a cataract of rumors about his possible estrangement.

Today, the role of the chief of staff is that of a companion. At the beginning of the school year he went to La Rioja with President Alberto Fernández, in the Chamber of Deputies will be giving support to Martin Guzman when the minister of Economy defends the agreement with the IMF. Manzur went from exclusive leading man to supporting actor in just five months.

by RN

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