Joy in Assen about preserving barracks: ‘And now stay away from it’

The Thorbecke Academy in Assen can also be involved, according to IJszenga. “He has plans for a new four-year Safety Studies course. And they can’t accommodate the students at the current location on Torenlaan. That would also fit in nicely with those buildings,” says IJszenga. “Because the Thorbecke Academy works closely with all kinds of government services, including the Ministry of Defence, and delivers students for them.”

The Action Committee Support the Barracks, which set up a petition that yielded 11,500 signatures, also speaks of ‘good news’ for Assen. Jan Maarten Pol, one of the initiators of the petition, reacts happily. “Of course you’d rather see no slimming, but you have to count your blessings. The barracks will stay here, including the JWF chapel and an investment of 75 million euros in the grounds and buildings. That is building for the future,” says Pol.

Pol also notes that the future for the Havelte barracks looks positive. “We are investing heavily in this with 250 million euros, so that is also good for Drenthe.”

Look here for more reactions to the preservation of the barracks in Assen:
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