Jova Beach Party in Vasto, the fears of environmentalists

G.great expectations but also some controversy. Thus Vasto prepares for Jova Beach Party scheduled for August 19th. Because if on the one hand the public is ready to sing and dance with Lorenzo Jovanotti, on the other the Ecologist Civic Forum of the city in the province of Chieti wonders if the municipal administration has thought of suitable measures to protect protected areas.

Jova Beach Party in Vasto: the fears of the ecological civic forum

IS Has a plan been envisaged for the protection of protected areas? If so, what are the actions that will be implemented?»: To put forward the doubts about the summer show is the Ecological Civic Forum of Vasto which, in an official note published on local media, addresses the municipal administration directly. “The city council of Vasto has approved the plan envisaged by the traffic-mobility report of the parking lots of the Trident, the organizing company of the Jova beach party,” the note reports. “Reading the plan, we can’t help but notice how Trident managed to eitherorganize some mobility on foot, by bike, with shuttles, one-way streets and traffic closures»The forum continues. Then specifying what are the fears and the sites not to be damaged.

26 thousand spectators are expected

The Jova Beach Party in Viareggio in 2019 (Ansa)

“It’s just a pity that the interventions on mobility will only serve to meet the needs of a private event which, whatever people say, will leave nothing on the territory but, indeed, will endanger the two protected areas nearby, namely the Natura 2000 site and the Marine Nature Reserve of Vasto explains the environmental organization. Which continues: «Reading the report, it turns out that there are an estimated 26,000 spectators per evening. Well, in the report nothing is said of the actions to protect the dunes (according to many experts among the most important of the entire Adriatic coast) and, therefore, of the Sic and the Reserve. To date, in fact, it is not known if and how those areas of absolute naturalistic importance will be safeguarded“.


Moreover, the fears of the ecological civic forum have precedents. “We would never want what happened in Vasto Marina to happen too in 2019 in Lido degli Estensi and Lido di Fermo when, following the first Jova beach party, the dunes present there have been destroyed compromising important habitats. For this reason, does the municipal administration intend to put in place protection measures? If so, which ones? Furthermore, is there a safety and security plan as required by the relevant legislation? If so, where is it? ». Harsh words were also used against the singer who “over the years has shown all his contempt for those who, in the territories, spend every day for environmental, ecological and landscape protection”. And the note from the green organization is already making the rounds of the web.

