Journalists reported fewer threats and physical violence in 2022

Fewer journalists have reported threats or physical violence in the past year than in 2021. That writes reporting point PersVeilig Monday on its own website. In 2022, there were 198 reports, of which 133 of threats, 33 of physical violence and 13 of stalking or intimidation. The year before, the organization, which has been keeping track of the figures since 2020, received 272 reports.

According to PersVeilig project leader Peter ter Velde, the difference can be explained by the fact that 2021 was a ‘corona year’. “In that year there were demonstrations or riots every week. That was much less last year. As a result, you see that the physical violence against journalists is substantially less.”

According to Ter Velde, the decrease in the number of reports does not mean that the safety of journalists has improved. “With every revival of the farmers’ protests and during the Sinterklaas arrivals, we immediately saw that many journalists were threatened or harassed last year. The aggressive attitude towards journalists is undiminished,” said the project leader, who calls the situation for journalists “precarious”. He says to take into account that the number of reports will remain about the same in 2023.

By no means every journalist who is confronted with threats or intimidation reports to PersVeilig, according to previous research commissioned by the organization. According to Ter Velde, it is important that journalists report if something has happened: “If we know what is going on, we can help. For example, by adjusting our training courses and providing better substantiated advice.”
