Journalists did “ongeziene verwoesting” during the night trip in Gaza: “Zure stank van rotende lichamen stijgt op met het stof” | Conflict Israel-Palestine

Zes uur. For a long time, a group of international journalists were seen in the night of Zaterday on Sunday in the door of Israel to the north of Gaza. The uitzonderlijke trip was organized through the Israeli leger and had as a doel and pas ontdekte tunnel van terreurorganisatie Hamas te tonen. The expeditie also has a look at the “ongoing waste” in the area. “He was also in the sky. “A few kilometers away there was a stank of rotting seeds in the material,” said Aldus, a journalist from ‘The Washington Post’ who was left behind.

He was born at 21 a.m. from the colony of the Israeli journalists with journalists on the board of the soldiers from Israel and from Gazastrook overstak. Meteen deden de snel doorrijdende Humvees de lichten uit. The rest of the rit voltrok is with the hulp of night skiers.

Maar zelfs in de duisternis was de “totale verwoesting” in Gaza duidelijk te zien. “Vrijwel elk gebouw draagt ​​de littekens van de oorlog”, aldus a correspondent van CNN zijn naar het zuiden getrokken of kwamen de afgelopen zes weken om.”


This was written by a journalist from ‘The Washington Post’. “The north of Gaza is living in a ragged, stinking ruin,” says Hij. “Huizen en straten zijn kapotschoten. Hoe verder je doorpenetrt in the area, hoe erger de ravage. I hear explosions regularly. He brandde iets op een brug die we passeerden. After a few kilometers there was a smell of rotting seeds in the material. He was told that he had already buried dozens of people in one place.”

The Israeli military was deployed last week in military operations in the Al-Shifa-Ziekenhuis. © AFP

For the longest kilometer to the Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis – the entire tunnel was discovered – most of the journalists overstappen in the armored vehicles of the leger. It is located next to the tunnel entrance and can be seen from most of the cables and can be found in a verlaten part of the building. We would like to use all the red lights. Verder was all darkness. En stilte.

“We had to watch out for what we had to say about Gaza and the internal speeches,” Aldus CNN. “In the places he really had a full style. It’s only 45 minutes long in the middle of the mountain, we’re in the green with the sound of the hands. Het was onmogelijk te zeggen hoe ver weg. The rest of the tijd maakte de stilte thatt de duisternis nog oppressive aanvoelde dan ze al was.”

Israeli soldiers inspect the Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis.
Israeli soldiers inspect the Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis. © via REUTERS

CNN wanted to film within 1 minute of the light from a camera attached to the entrance to the tunnel. He went as a result of the new design in a “aanzienlijke structuur”. “Bovenaan hung the rest of a ladder over the edge of the opening. In the middle of the round there was a paal te zien, the mogelijk afkomstig was van a wenteltrap. The shaft reached dieper dan we condenzien.” Afdalen never liked because of “te gevaarlijk”.


Accordingly, the Israeli camp is located on the site of a network of tunnels from Hamas, which is part of the terreur organization on the continent. Israël deelde afgelopen weekend pictures of what he was in het gat te zou zijn: a wenteltrap the ten meters afdaalt naar a tunnel. The route is over 55 meters and has a metal surface with a small space. The journalists never really verified this later.

KIJK. Israel toont picture of tunnel shaft on the Al-Shifa-ziekenhuis

Volgens Israel is the tunnel that accesses Hamas as a military base on the building. This means that the air bombardment of the airfield will be right.

The building is in fact damaged. Brandstof, medicijnen and water raakten op. Artsen can opereren op vuile vloeren zonder anesthesia. The doden was buried in a massagraf in the Tuin. A team from the United Nations (VN) that the ziekenhuis zaterdag kort bezocht, speaks of a “zone des doods”.


Leden van Hamas staken op 7 October de grens met Israël over en richten a bloedbad aan op en festival en in enkele Israëlische Dorpen. There are 1,200 Israelis in the world. They are also made for 230 gijzelaars. Hamas reported that the youngest people had been sent to the sea in 13,000 Palestinians who had come to Israel’s financial aid activities, and Hamas was forced to take action.

Confronterende beelden tonen 31 premature babies die uit ziekenhuis in Gaza-Stad zijn gered

ANALYSIS. Schools Hamas-strijders really onder ziekenhuizen in Gaza? Does Israel take part in the battle? (+)
