Journalist undercover in pension Meilandjes: ‘Guests are groupies!’

The Meilandjes have had an undercover journalist visit their new guest house Code Rosé. What seems? All those people who sleep there are appalling groupies of this TV family.

© SBS 6, Telegraph

Martien and Erica Meiland have opened a new guest house in Noordwijk. It is all self service, because they no longer feel like entertaining their guests all day. They do perform an act during breakfast; then you can spot one or more of the Meilandjes in the wild, for example while they are clearing the plates or bickering with each other.

Meiland groupies

Very funny, but of course you will not pay more than 400 euros per two nights for that. You do that for the luxury, the beds, the location, the close-to-sea feeling. Ehh, no, not at all… Journalist Marlies Vording went undercover there as a guest and registers The Telegraph that the whole boarding house is full of appalling Meiland-groupies.

These people have each paid over 400 euros to be in the vicinity of Martien Meiland or one of his relatives for a few minutes in the morning. “Fans dig deep into their pockets to catch a glimpse of these well-known Dutch people,” says Marlies.

“Do you see one yet?!”

When Marlies and her fellow guest check in via some code lock on the door, she is immediately confronted with those groupies. “Several couples are ‘waiting’ on the seats in the common room. Not just waiting, but waiting for a Meilandje,” she writes.

The chance of spotting a Meilandje is very small outside breakfast hours, but they were there anyway. “When they see us, they look a little caught out, like we know a secret about them that we can’t tell anyone.”

Very sad?

What the hell types do this? Young and old couples, mothers with daughters, best friends and from Twente to Friesland and even Flanders. And they all dig deep into their pockets, purely to be so close to a celebrity. “At the Duinlust guest house across the road, you pay less than half.”

There are a few things wrong with the room, but most importantly: did Marlies spot a Meilandje at breakfast? She was already there at 8:00 am. “At 9 o’clock the master of the house finally pops into the breakfast room. ‘Good mornings’.”


All hotel guests then bounce up from their chairs, writes Marlies. “There he is, the man they came for. Unfortunately, the encounter is short-lived. (…) The minutes tick by while the Meiland fans patiently sit at their tables. They know for sure, Martien will come by again. ‘He also came yesterday, around ten o’clock. Then Maxime was there too.’”

Yes, Martien comes to clear the tables at 9.45 am. And the next day? Then Maxime is there. “We get all the attention of the blonde for about three minutes, before she disappears behind the scenes again.”

What a hilarious business model…

Under cover

The report of undercover Marlies, originally published in the Leidsch Dagblad:
