Journalist Tom Kleijn wins the 22nd series of De Slimste Mens

Journalist Tom Kleijn won the 22nd season of De Slimste Mens on Friday evening. Kleijn won the final of the popular knowledge quiz on NPO 1 against De Kleine Komedie director Jörgen Tjon A Fong and musical actress Nandi van Beurden.

The final battle was between Kleijn and Tjong A Fong, because Van Beurden had already lost weight earlier in the episode. In his speech of thanks, Kleijn mentioned his 14-year-old son, who had previously persuaded him to participate in the KRO-NCRV quiz. “Whatever discussion we have: I am right,” he joked. Kleijn received the trophy from Martin Rombouts, the poet who won De Slimste Mens last winter season.
